This section of the blog is legacy content that I keep just for personal nostalgic reasons. 

These posts unless otherwise stated date from 1996 - 2006. They existed prior to the Top 200 Roads Atlas and before Google maps. Many originally featured scans of the pages from my 'BP Road Atlas' to show where the roads were and scans of film camera photos. Over time as the blog moved the old photos were lost and I added images from later rides but otherwise have never got around to updating this section.      

I keep them just because they were the origins of my blog. I have the idea one day I will ride all of them again and the other states then turn this section into something decent. But there are plenty of YouTubers doing 'good Aussie motorcycle road' videos and so many other places in the world I want to ride. 

p.s. much of the content is in a category 'local roads', I was based in northern NSW and SE QLD at the time of publishing.