
Blog Blog. A few thoughts I wanted to get out of my head.


This isn’t just another end of year eye rolling exercise. A few months ago I was not sure I would be alive now. Good news, I am a cancer survivor. I went under for 10 hours of complex surgery that removed a chunk of me but this was successful. I […]

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It never rains, but it pours…

It’s been a long time since I have been riding. Actually I’ve been unwell. I managed to get in short ride around my local peninsula to charge the battery and I was delighted with the easy riding roads that weave between green farms. I realized I should have a been […]

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Look both ways

It is already 8 years since I left Australia with the idea to ride my bucket list before I reach the age where we start making excuses. I’ve written previously how I felt compelled to not wait until retirement to start the ‘one day’ things so I won’t repeat. Initially […]

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Unwritten rules

<revised> In Japan over a thousand years a complex set of unwritten rules has developed that society follows. It was described to me once by a Japanese person as feeling like an actor once you step out your front door because there are so many actions one must always do […]

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If in doubt, choose adventure.

For a long period I used to regret the dumb stuff I did. Now I only regret what I did not do. Friends view life differently to me and by societies reckoning have taken longer strides. But there are no set paths you must follow, and just a limited amount […]

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The call of the open road

2018 has to be one of the best years of my life. I can hardly comprehend all the riding I did this year. January seems long ago. As we age years pass in the blink of an eye, I did not know it was possible still to slow time down. […]

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One Day

I hope to complete half of my initial bucket list of rides in the coming months. Every trip I gather experience to try something more ambitious. I’m riding places now solo I never imagined. This has reaffirmed I might not be a total dumbass and there is some merit to […]

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Hanami 花見

It is cherry blossom season in Japan. This signals the arrival of Spring and much more. April is the beginning of the new year, the end of a cold winter. It is the end of school year, girls can be seen in special kimonos at graduation ceremonies. They will soon […]

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Video Killed the Radio Star

Sitting around in the hotel courtyard having a beer on a warm night before I was due to start my Philippine ride I was invited to join a bunch of young guys.One guy had a beautiful black Ducati Scrambler and became interested in my tour. Mentioning I will post it […]

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Wearing Hi-Vis and other ride safe myths

Travelling around SE Asia has been wonderful and an eye opener. I used to think make yourself more visible and ride defensive to be safe and wrote a lengthy article some years ago on all things to be more visible and their effectiveness measured in studies. I just can’t believe […]

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Y.M.M.V. and other post-it notes

I am a fan of motorcycles. All of them are great. Even electric ones. A small 125cc scooter is more fun, more empowering than driving any car. I do not bother to explain why to people anymore since everyone only sees things from their own perspective hence it is a […]

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