Eastern Europe & Middle East

Technically my ride in Turkey was in Asia however it is viewed by many people as part of Europe and is a NATO member.

Georgia Motorcycle Ride

Georgia is a destination I had on my bucket ride list for few years but had thought to leave for later. However after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and with Russia already occupying parts of Georgia I decided perhaps I better go see it sooner rather than later. I reduced […]

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Where the wild pear trees grow

Turkey Motorcycle Tour – continued. I am continuing my motorcycle tour of Turkey as well as my references to the famous Turkish film director Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Unlike his films that whilst beautifully photographed tend to focus on disillusionment and existential angst I have found Turkey to be very upbeat. […]

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Once upon a time in Anatolia

Turkey motorcycle tour Turkey lies at the most westerly point of Asia at the crossroads of civilizations. It is a country with a staggering amount of history having been home to the Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires among others. With a interior 80% mountains and western coast sharing […]

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Oman Motorcycle Ride

Returning from South Africa I hopped off at Dubai to try a ride with a difference. I have a few places on my ride bucket list collectively under a subtitle of ‘maybe’.  Seeing I was flying via Dubai I decided to action one of those. This I imagined would make […]

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