What’s New – What’s Broken

An improvement in page load speed from August 2023 with the purchase of Autoptimize Pro plugin. The blog had been very slow and now with Autoptimize Pro the images are being automatically optimized and cached. So far so good but my older posts still can time out loading photos.

Embedded 360 images from Google Maps appear to be working again.

The blog section previously called the cellar and the vault is now called The Museum. The cookie notification and page are gone. Not required.

Transfer of old posts from Blogger to WordPress has stalled due to my laziness. There are 11 remaining.

Current Issues

Some buttons for internal links were broken. I am checking if this is more wide spread but it’s not possible to inspect every page, if you find anything broken please let me know.

Hyperlinks are not displaying in the theme colour. I have a temporary fix in place.

The theme has an issue with displaying thumbnails on the Museum page. Still looking for a fix.

The new image CDN has improved the speed of WordPress and images not loading but you will still need to click reload occasionally.


I don’t understand the menus? – look at the site map.

The blog is too slow? – you need minimum 4G or broadband to view this site.

How can I download your GPS routes? – link is on the Contact page.

Do you have a YouTube channel? – No I dislike GoPro motorcycle videos.