What’s New

Major blog update completed August 2024 which improved the slow loading of old ride reports and boosted image quality of recent photos.

Hopefully I have fixed an issue of comment box missing the tick box to be notified of replies and follow up comments.

Transfer of old posts from Blogger to WordPress has been restarted, now just half a dozen remain to be brought across.

Current Issues

Hyperlinks in some posts were not displaying – seems mostly fixed by WordPress updates.

Thumbnails on the Museum page do not tile properly. Still looking for a fix.

Visitors from China can now see this blog but it loads painfully slow, basically unusable. Investigating possible fixes.

Some old images slow to display – a legacy of this blog being built with gigabit internet in Japan thus I originally posted high resolution images and never saw any slowdown until I arrived in Australia.


I don’t understand the menus? – look at the site map.

The blog is too slow? – you need minimum 4G or broadband to view this site.

How can I download your GPS routes? – link is on the Contact page.

What is your YouTube channel? – There is none. I’m not trying to please others. This blog is how I enjoy to record my travels.