- Wine Trails and Wheat Belts - March 21, 2025
- North to Norway - March 13, 2025
- Nikwax Wax Cotton waterproof spray - March 7, 2025
A quick note for people who have subscribed to the blog in the past to get updates.

There was no way to migrate ‘Followers’ on Blogger to WordPress so I lost touch with everyone who subscribed over the 13 years the blog was hosted there. Above is the last activity that anyone on that list sees for the blog which makes it appear abandoned.
RSS feed subscribers – alas this too ended when I moved to WordPress. Feedburner seems not supported for me to transfer existing subscribers. People say RSS is a dying medium but I use it everyday and I bet so do many people so I will keep at this. (Update 2021 – has been fixed)
A subscription for the new site was included from launch using Jetpack but then when I moved from AWS to Namecheap their hosting did not support Jetpack.
I have installed a new subscription plugin and will try migrate anyone who subscribed to the new site circa 2019 when using Jetpack and hopefully in future you will be getting notifications.
If you were on the Blogger subscription list or followers list then sorry there appears no way I can link you to the new site. You can re-subscribe or I do announce moto tour post via the blogs Facebook page if you prefer to follow that.
In the current situation like everyone I am trying to maintain sanity under the Covid restrictions. I have been working on the blog most days and still finding things like this that need fixing after the transfer. If you are bored then try moving your blog to WordPress – guaranteed to keep you occupied during a lockdown.
Thanks for you continued interest in my travels and amateur writing. Will be riding again as soon as possible.
Regards, Warren.
I recognise that snippet is from my blog page. I’ve just gone in and fixed it up for you.
Hey Steve, thanks for that, I had seen it on a few blogs including yours showing a year since updated then last night realised actually nobody was getting any updates from my blog since beginning of last year, haha, every day is training day with WordPress.