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I have now completed a few tours and (70,000km as of 2019) (110,000km 2021) on my 2014 FJR1300 and feel able to give a detailed view of the bike and talk about some its strengths and weaknesses.
Please bear in mind my words relate to how the motorcycle fits my body and my riding style. Twisty roads here in Japan are nothing like what people consider twisty roads in North America. Switchback narrow one lane mountain passes are common. Most twisty roads here are 2nd gear. If I am not using the nationwide tollroad highway network then I am unlikely to use 4th or 5th gear in a entire days riding – no joke.
So nothing at all like any of the roads I have toured in Northwest States of USA or Canada. Lastly this is a dynamic article about my journey with the motorcycle. I am going to love and hate some aspects then over time I hope I adjust to things and moderate my comments.
First a recap how I came to currently be riding a FJR1300. (Feel free to skip down to the beginning of the review titled Drivetrain). After owning a series of naked/standard bikes I moved to Japan with a clean slate I got to thinking what sort of riding I would be doing in the future and decided I would be focusing on touring. I can tour on any motorcycle but thought why not get something built specifically for this purpose.
Three things came to mind I wanted. Electronic cruise control. Decent protection from cold wind as the best riding seasons here are Spring and Autumn – adventure bikes do not provide this. Lastly reasonable cornering clearance which eliminates cruiser motorcycles. So at the time of purchase early 2014 I was left with the BMW R1200RT, BMW K1600GT, Triumph Trophy, Yamaha FJR1300 and Honda Goldwing.
I half had my mind made up to get a BMW R1200RT. It is a bike that I had previously ridden in North America and is the lightest of the bunch but the one I rented had some electrical faults that plagued the screen and cruise control and heated grips. That made me examine the brands reliability and it was hard to work out on the net if the brand has poor reliability or simply a lot of haters. Still many people are fans so I took a trip to my local BMW dealer and there lost interest totally after encountering a bunch of rude people with elitist bad attitude. The Yamaha shop on other hand was full of down to earth people who made me feel at ease and confident to purchase from. That really was a big part of initially swaying me away from the BMW along with the significant price difference.
I chose the Japan designated FJR 1300A model without the electronic gear shift or electronic suspension. I normally set suspension once right then forget so no need to have that feature. The paddle shift interested me but my concern was with a big motorcycle how low speed maneuvering would be. Reviews of the electronic shift are impossible to find. (Now that I am used to the size and weight I think I would choose the electronic shift)
Even without those two electronic features there is still a lot of technology. You can read about specs galore elsewhere on the net as most reviews seem full of that but very short on actual ‘bike review’.

Drive train
The 1300cc engine is powerful and turbine smooth up to 4000rpm where it gets a mild buzz that you feel in the bars. I rarely exceed this rev point with local speed limits as there is ample torque available 2000-4000rpm covers 90 percent of the riding I do on backroads. I do like how smooth the engine is.
(2016 notepad. Hoping back on the FJR after riding the 3 cylinder MT-09 the engine seems so silky smooth compared to the inline 3 raspy engine)
Passing anything on the FJR is just a twist of the throttle in any gear, even lumbering along in 4th gear 2000rpm it will surge forward. The engine only needs regular fuel not premium. Using premium Vs regular sees no noticeable power or fuel economy difference in my back to back full tank comparisons which is a strong point when premium fuel is much more expensive. (Note the engine computer is set for regular not premium on this Japan model but overseas might be different) (update I have switched to using premium after my injectors got clogged up)
Once run in the engine consumes an average of 4.5 litre per 100km which is really impressive considering the size and power. Smaller engines I have used often do not achieve any better economy so this is an excellent result, naturally work the engine harder and that sort of economy will vanish. (2016 notepad – it is using at least 25% more fuel than the computer is predicting when I encounter traffic but on a recent all open road ride in Hokkaido the economy improved to near 4l per 100km)
There are two engine modes Touring and Sport and whilst Sport has higher performance I use Touring mostly as I prefer the less abrupt acceleration and softer engine braking in that mode. Oddly the throttle has a overly firm return spring, something I see first reported back in 2006 by the editor of AMCN magazine. Now that it is purely electronic ride by wire throttle there is no reason for this.
In Japan everything motoring is a hybrid or eco and I wish Yamaha had tried made the electronic shift model have idle run stop like the new Gold Wing since you get bathed in heat at traffic lights. Nice in cool weather but terrible in summer. What you get is Eco displayed in the dash when you are riding it normally which disappears if you use the throttle more generously. I am always surprised at the push back from motorcycle press to safety and economy innovations on motorcycles. But then the motorcycle press has for as long as I can recall been made up entirely of ex motorcycle racers. We have them to thank for being fed press releases masquerading as reviews and any comparison being won by the most powerful bike regardless. But I digress.
The FJR engine sound track in my opinion is ok. The drivetrain has a whine that some people dislike but I kind of like it. The twin mufflers give a nice balanced look but I’d prefer a weight saving of just one if it still worked as well.
Journalists, perhaps burdened with finding something irrelevant to criticise, have been going on and on about the gear box not having a 6th gear. All you are getting with another gear is a further ratio split on the way to top not a whole new overdrive as is being suggested by these numpties. More shifting is completely unnecessary and a negative on an engine with this much torque.
On the FJR I often shift from 1st to 3rd immediately leaving the lights (2016 notepad – or now I often start in 2nd gear) and I simply leave the bike in 3rd whole time and rarely use 4th, then 5th is highway only. So I personally cannot see what the fuss is but throw enough mud and some will stick. (Yamaha have changed to a 6 speed for 2016 models caving in to the press.) That aside the gearbox itself was initially notchy to shift, maybe it has a very positive engagement is a nicer way to put it. Click into 1st at the lights results in a ker-thud and slight jerk of the bike but that is perhaps the final drive not the box. I was calling the gearbox agricultural initially but it is fine once it has some miles on it and now shifts precise.
The clutch however is old school in the amount of effort needed to operate. It is no exaggeration one of the heaviest motorcycle clutches I have experienced. I need to always put the bike in neutral when stopped in traffic as after a few hours riding I cannot comfortably hold the clutch in for any length of time. By the end of a long ride day I sometimes groan when coming to a red light as it means having to operate the clutch. (Update the 2016 model has lighter clutch)
Final drive is via shaft which for me is good as I dislike the noise and mess of a chain. A belt drive for me is nicer still since it has zero lash. When I owned my Buells this was something I loved but there was always a question mark about belt reliability. I can just ignore the lash with the shaft drive but it is certainly there and at times I notice it. Some people might find it bothersome but all these big tourers are shaft drive. (2016 notepad – the on off lag and the sound of the drive taking up the slack can be noticeable at times but no mess, no lubing, no new chain and sprockets…)
Brakes are linked with ABS. I find they need a very strong pull on the lever to slow the bike down. They do not always deliver as much stopping power as I would like and would benefit from having the master cylinder from the R1. (2016 notepad – an issue is not all the pistons in the front brakes are activated when you use the front brake lever. You have to also apply the foot rear brake which then lets the other front brake piston activate in the front calibers to apply full braking. Yes seems crazy I know but I am not making this up and it is a big negative)
Seating is good for me. The seat is height adjustable and this was a feature I was looking forward too. I am 6’ and in the high position I find the distance to the pegs is comfortable for all day riding. Much like BMW, Yamaha offer a ‘touring’ seat as an optional extra which is annoying considering you are buying their ‘touring’ motorcycle however the standard seat is quite good. The wide tank splays your legs a little but I found I soon adjusted to this. (Update 2016 – I do wish now the seat was heated like the BMW)
The position of the handle bars is poor for me. I have long arms and am 6 foot but they are too far forward and low. This puts the rider into a odd semi sports bike ride position. The bars can be adjusted in 3 positions which I assumed would bring them back to a more standard position however the amount of adjustment is tiny. I installed a bar riser plate to bring the bars up 25mm and back 40mm which given my arm length has them almost back to a neutral position.
Wind protection is close to spot on. The fairing and screen strike the perfect balance between protection from cold air and allowing some breeze to the rider in summer. Some reviews have commented that the riders hands are not completely shielded from wind like the other bikes in this range however I think that is one of the FJRs good points. In summer the rider can still get some air to his hands and into his jacket sleeves from the cuffs to keep arms cool which makes a big difference to rider comfort.
The electric screen is excellent. Lowered it allows good air flow in summer and raised it stops cold wind very effectively with almost no turbulence, I can even ride with my visor up at most speeds. The screen is one of the best feature of the FJR and one I am constantly using. I don’t need so much focus on my riding gear as I can control the temperature by the screen and I get no strong buffeting turbulence unlike the short screens on adventure bikes but YMMV. (ignore the silver washer taped to dash – used to hold something at the time)

The instrumentation or dash is a generous array and one of the best I have encountered on any motorcycle. ( recent colour screens are making this look dated now). On power up the LCD on the right displays an animation using the FJR logo and then read outs as per your selection from the multifunction trip computer. (2016 Update – note the info the trip computer displays is custom set by you over three separate screens, I have on my main screen km range to empty, ambient temperature and trip time which I like to review to make sure I stop often when touring)
You can also see info on the heated grips, electric screen here. Everything is accessed by a rocker switch and select switch and the right screen. So much better than the new GoldWing with dozens of buttons, why didn’t Honda use the 7″ screen and a menu system, but I digress.
Unsure if global models have these features but the Japan domestic one has the starter incorporated into the large power off button on the right hand side controls. This is a brilliant idea, the switch is a rocker that you flip down to start the bike and it then returns to run mode. Those power off switches are really a legacy item from old bikes where you kick started them so it is nice to see Yamaha think how to actually make better use of the limited handle bar space.
On the road
The FJR is a heavy motorcycle which any buyer would be well aware of however the issue for me has proved to be the weight does not disappear once moving as much as other large bikes. This could be due to a high COG. For example all 25 litres fuel seems to be sitting up high and wide. Then it’s large battery and wire harness is placed in the upper fairing on the right hand side next to the dash. (Just while I am talking of this, access to the battery and fuses is very difficult)
The lack of mass centralization shows on the road with full fuel load. The FJR requires significant input to initiate turn in which was hard to achieve initially with the bars so far away from the rider. It also was seeking to understeer requiring the rider to keep applying pressure to hold a line. It is not due to brake use or off camber roads or under inflated tyres as the owners forums would try tell you, I’ve tried all tyre pressure suggestions (and now 6 brands of tyres) and this is not the issue at all.
There is a separate chapter at the bottom of this review on my progress in making the FJR1300 steer better. I have altered the steering angle at the front and rear and discovered how to make it steer better.
The suspension does a fair job soaking up bumps, dampening is not as plush as the BMW but the electronic suspension model FJR might be a match. For the majority of roads here it is fine but the forks high speed compression damping is harsh so depending on your road conditions this could be annoying. The weight of the bike can sometimes overwhelm the front end but it is a heavy tourer so ride with that in mind and it is fine.
The FJR has a huge 25 litre fuel tank and range is 400km or more on highway. This is terrific, I can go the day not needing to think about fuel. It is not hard to make rest stops and refuels coincide but it is nice to not have to and to not be constantly looking at the fuel gauge/odometer and doing the maths on the next refuel all the time. It is a burden lifted from my shoulders when riding and lets me enjoy the ride more. The down side however is a lot of fuel sitting up high and when you have a full tank it affects steering as already mentioned. The tank shape is very wide which splays your legs wide.
(Update 2015 – Note reversing the bike can be difficult. The tank splays the legs a lot when your legs are angled forward to get leverage needed to push the weight of the bike backwards. At this point you also have less traction on the ground. I have already lost grip and balance once twice and then the weight of the FJR and high COG was more than I could hold so it ended up on it’s side. No damage except few scratches which I guess shows how tough it is but shorter legs would find it a little challenging at times to reverse due to tank design and mass and you really need to be careful when parking if at all on a slope must stop and back in or you may struggle to get the bike back out as no reverse gear unlike the Gold Wing)
I usually never ride at night, just too dangerous with wildlife in Australia but here there is less risk and I found myself stuck an hour from my hotel in the mountains as the last light faded. The FJR headlights are large but like most bikes do not light up the road ahead well when cornering. (Update I see Yamaha have updated FJR to full LED lighting for 2016)
The heated grips work very well. They have three levels of heat which are all sensible and useable unlike some grips which go from nothing to red hot in one setting. They are controlled within the multi function menus available to rider via the mode button on the left handle bar and this system makes it very easy to see what things are set to and move between the functions while riding. (Update 2015 – I never knew you can set the heat for each of the 3 settings custom to how you want – this is really great)
The electronic cruise control feature I wanted so much that it limited my candidates is wonderful even if so far I don’t use it as often as I expected. An oddity for Japan models is the cruise control speed is capped at a indicated 108 kph but the speedo is 8 kph fast so actual speed cap is 100 kph. Now this isn’t really a issue for me as the national expressway speed is 100kph (but mostly reduced to 80kph) and being in a foreign land I don’t want any interaction with police so I just set it for 108 (actual 100) and limit my time on expressways.
The FJR actually works fantastic on the expressway at 130-140kph, I suspect that is the speed it would be used at on USA interstates. The FJR is enormously comfortable crunching miles. With the screen up and cruise set it almost rides itself home. You have a bike that on the expressway offers comfort levels of a maxi tourer (once the bars are raised) then off the expressway you return to a bike that is more sporting. How sporting you find it off the expressway depends on the roads and your stage in life of riding. Make no mistake it is a big bike but I find it enjoyable in the corners at the pace I ride these days. Sweeping corner type roads the bike works very well. Sharp switchbacks it is not as good of course as they suit small light bikes. There is perhaps no motorcycle that does everything perfectly but as a sport tourer this is not bad balance.

Fit and finish
The paint in Dusty Grey finish as it is called here looks a bit better in real life than in photos and while not as nice as the similar tone ‘Atomic Silver’ Toyota put on their Lexus cars it is a reasonably good finish but can appear dull for reasons I do not understand. Update – see the difference I was talking about, so close in tone yet look at how one is dull.

The other option here was chocolate brown metallic paint, a colour popular on many small cars in Japan. (2016 white, 2018 matt blue)
Plastics and panel alignment seems tight everywhere however the heel plates became lightly marked after a few months but that is not uncommon riding any bike in boots they rub together and this could be mostly buffed out I think. The screen still looks great with few applications of plexus plastic cleaner.
Update 2015/2016 – everything still fine with fit and finish. I am impressed with the build quality of this bike, all the plastics still look like new and I only wash it a couple times a year and it lives under a plastic cover not inside a dry garage so top marks to Yamaha in this department. Update 2019 – still looks almost same as when I got it, very good build quality this bike.
Looks are very subjective. I personally like the classic naked bike look of the 60’s like the CB750. New bikes I like looks wise are models such as the Moto Guzzi V7 or CB11100EX but these are not as good for touring so as stated in the beginning I chose the FJR for function not form. But I think it is much better looking than the BMW R1200RT with it’s ugly cyclops headlight.
There are two storage areas under the seats, one looks suspiciously like the original battery compartment. There is also a glove box in the left hand side that central locks with the ignition off and contains a power outlet but the glove box is very small. It’s actually too small to be of much use. I would love to put my camera in there but it won’t fit so it ends up unused, I just keep a small visor cleaning cloth inside. (2016 notepad – I use this compartment now for toll road tickets, very handy to drop them in there rather than fiddle about to put into a pocket at the toll gate. Wish the other side had one instead of the battery)

I have the factory Yamaha panniers which hold plenty without making the bike too wide. They operate by the same key and look quite stylish as far as luggage goes. They easy hold all my touring gear while I use a bag on read seat for personal items to easy carry into hotel. (Update 2015 – been in plenty of rain and nothing has gotten wet so the panniers are totally waterproof)

The front has a LED daytime running light bar but during daytime you can hardly notice it when the lights are also on, which in most countries is all the time hardwired. (see above) It looks very stylish on by itself in low light. Good on Yamaha for trying that at least.
The headlights have twin height adjustment knobs in the dash. With the large dash and a lot of plastics in the way it would be difficult to adjust the headlights manually so this is a nice touch. (Update – I see the 2016 model has lost the daytime running light bar but gained turn lights)
There are adjustable side panels in the fairing which I thought may offer the rider the option to deflect additional wind in winter however these according to the manual let you undo them if riding in very hot conditions for the sake of engine cooling. If they had some ratchet hinge then perhaps might be able alter the wind for further protection in winter which would be a unique feature. Perhaps designed for California where it can reach 46 degrees as I experienced when there.
I like the FJR1300, it has many great points. I think it is a superb long distance bike and also good for moderately sporty road riding. I can see why it is very popular in North America and would suit the roads I toured on there very well. Reliable engine has good torque and is fuel efficient as well as not requiring premium gas. With cruise control, comfortable seating with good cockpit aerodynamics it is a nice place to be on the open road. It is slower steering than the BMW R1200RT I rode most likely due to the higher COG, especially with a full fuel load but there are other factors at work. I have made some changes that bridge some of the gap (read on below). Apart from that I like the FJR in every way better than the RT.
I can’t help wonder why Yamaha have done so little to lighten this bike which in some parts is unchanged since 2001 but the touring category is being replace by the ADV bikes. The FJR is known as a super reliable bike, something that was a strong attraction for me and this reliability does not come burdened with expensive frequent servicing. In Japan the FJR is half the price of the R1200RT which is a lot of icing on the reliability cake. That was not the decisive factor for me however the money saved will pay for all my touring and ownership costs for about 5 years or more which is pretty impressive. It is certainly a motorcycle worth considering if you are a touring rider.
I guess all this reads a bit different to motorcycle magazines which are big on specs and small on details. Journalists and Youtubers tread carefully to keep getting things to review so honest feedback has been diluted down to a few non committal lines. Even forums are not independent these days, most are controlled by people with a financial interest. I was asked to leave the FJR owners forum because I started asking things they did not want published. But as I stated at the top, this post is my ownership journey.
Below is a diary of sorts about what I have done to improve the steering.
To save you reading through all this the main points are I raised the rear and lowered the front thus sharpening the steering and have tried many tyres and found the Dunlop RoadSmart 4 currently my favourite.
Making the FJR1300 steer quicker – a diary.
There is a lot of info below to read through so if you do not have the time a summary of what worked best is; change the dog legs out to raise the rear ride height, drop the forks to lower the front ride height, add bar raisers to improve leverage for cornering and comfort and fit Dunlop RoadSmart 4 tyres (or 5 now) which are brilliant on this bike. OK now to the diary entries.
Update 1. I first switched to Bridgestone BT023 from Metzeler Z8 tyres. The Z8’s the bike came with felt ok in the dry when new but the lifespan was very poor. Speaking to a long term owner who has over 200,000km on his FJR he suggested I try Pilot Road 2 or Pirelli Angel GT tyres. He actually rates the Bridgestone’s as his least favorite tyre on the FJR (I already had them fitted before we spoke) He does not like the Metzelers Z8’s either but did not elaborate on them. The BT023 feel terrific when new but after awhile they start to wear then they become slower to steer but otherwise I have no issues with them.
Update 2. I set the rear preload lever to firm all the time and this made a noticeable improvement to turn in effort but at the cost of making the ride a little firm on some surfaces. I set the front preload softer then further to as soft as possible, winding the adjuster to the stop to try get the front down and improve turn in and reduce understeer. Next I raised the fork legs in the triple clamps 20mm, I.e. lowered the front ride height which has further sharpened/increased the steering angle. This has made a ‘slight’ difference to turn in effort at lower speed but understeer persists.
Update 3. Angel GT tyres now fitted. To recap, I got 6000km from the original Metzeler Z8’s. From 5000km they had noticeable scalloping on the front that would make the bike shake under deceleration and I did not like them in the wet either. Next I put Bridgestone BT23’s on which I got 9000km from but with a still some tread left so could manage 10,000+km easy from a set. They performed more consistently than the Z8’s. I have now fitted Pirelli Angel GT tyres and completed a 4 day tour. The initial understeer remains but a secondary minor steering issue that I have not really spoken about has now gone away. This is a higher lean angle overseer I.e. initial turn in on the FJR is very slow and the bike wants to not hold a line on mild curves but as you lean the bike over much more the bike attitude with the Z8 and BT23 tyres was to shift (abruptly) to oversteer where it wants to fall into the curve. (this FJR steering behavior I see was also noted by the editor of AMCN back when the 2006 Gen 2 model was tested, it’s a long wheelbase thing). The Angel GT tyres with their slightly different tyre contact area radius have removed the sudden oversteer and they also are quite good in the wet but they are slower to turn in than the BT23’s.
Update 4. I have further raised the fork legs in the triple clamps to 27mm, I was aiming for 30mm but this is as much as I could get the right hand leg to come up working by myself at home on uneven ground so I set the left side the same. The additional change to the steering angle has achieved nothing much that I can tell and I am not prepared to go further for fear of running out of cornering clearance. Altering the front ride height/steering angle would seem to make little difference to the FJR turn in speed. I was foolishly confident this would help after reading owners forums where slight changes were reported to make the bike ‘too unstable’ which of course turned out to be total nonsense, the turn in speed remains slow. The rear ride height is my next place to try and I have ordered new components to raise the rear. This is my dropped front now.

Update 5. I have installed new rear ‘dog bones’ links to raise the rear ride height thus further increase the steering angle to thus quicken the turn in. I ordered what was advertised as the 30mm raise links but not sure if I received that or the more popular size of USA imperial 5/8ths which equals 15.875mm. A small difference in length equates to a lot of height or drop vertical so not able to gauge by the part and I did not successfully measure the difference before and after but anyway it should go some way to making a difference and check back here in a few weeks for the results. A success of sorts.
The new dog bone rear links that I confirmed with the supplier to be 30mm raise has really made a difference. With the new links fitted the FJR turns easier than before and feels so much better in the corners. Even with a full tank the steering is improved but once the fuel load drops the bike really tips in easier (for the size bike it is) and feels a very different machine to before. The weight up high is still there and I don’t think it will ever feel as light as a RT on the road but the change from these links is quite dramatic.
I just completed a two week tour and really enjoyed the way the bike rode while the tyres were good. The Pirelli Angel GT tyres unfortunately wore out quite fast, about 6000km the max before they were quite scalloped and made steering heavy. I have 7500km on them now only because I had to get back home and the tyres are completely bald on the sides. The best way to install the dog bone links is to put the bike on centre stand and loosen the dog bone links then use a jack to lighten the rear wheel from the link pins (not supporting the bike which is on stand just the wheel weight) take the top pin out then remove the shock lower mount pin and rotate the lower link pin forward past stand then remove. On install use the jack to position the wheel at correct height to get top pin back in with new length links.

Update six – 2016 – Michelin Pilot Road 4 GT tyres just fitted. Also I am trying a 190/55 on the rear. Initial impression is the turn in is much slower and not able to say this is the tyre tread design or the 190. The 190/55 if I believe the owners forums should correct the speedo which is annoyingly 10% under the real speed and the extra height of this tyre should offset the affect of the width. Time will tell… Righto I can update this now after a 9 day tour on the Michelins. First of all the 190/55 profile does not correct the speedo as reported on the owners forum. Typically the speedo is out about 10% on all digital dash FJRs. Why Yamaha deliberately does this is a mystery, but it is deliberate as they then set the cruise control to maximum 100kph as per the true speed. So i.e. they knowingly sell the FJR with the software that displays the speed altered to display 10% over the true speed.
In testing my speedo used to read 108-109kph when doing 100kph and now at the same 108-109kph reading the true speed is 102-103kph so only a slight alteration from the 55 profile. Wet and very cold these tyres are sensational. But compared to the Angel GT’s the PR4 are slower to turn and has taken the FJR steering backwards wiping out some of the gains I had made in steering improvements. The other issue I have had is the PR4 tyres developed a mild shake of the bars, first just off throttle then also on throttle and then spreading to all speeds even on the highway. I was able to negate the shaking by simply holding the bars but it is a worry. The wheel has not lost it’s balance weights so I will take it to the shop to see what is up with it.
Update seven – the problem is uneven tyre wear and premature failure of the front Pilot Road 4. Nothing can be done except replace the tyre. Seeing how slow they steer I decided to get rid of both of them. The rear had plenty of life left the front after 3000km was already half tread depth on sides like the Pirelli Angel GT’s so very short life span on a FJR and even shorter when one has manufacture problems so never again Michelin tyres for me. Below how a 190 looks fitted – don’t do it.
![IMG_0381[1][7] IMG_0381[1][7]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bZ5IjRN8OZ8/V2oJTl3HADI/AAAAAAAAU7U/lzuaHqy7O4U/IMG_0381%25255B1%25255D%25255B7%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
I now have Bridgestone BT023 R GT tyres fitted. At last the tyres I wanted right from the start as Yamaha reference these for the FJR in the Japanese literature. Naps Yokohama who fitted the 2nd set of tyres, the standard BT023’s tried to tell me this model was not available. Admittedly this could have been lost in translation rather then a lie on their part (although they made a balls up of the service I had them do early this year (2016) not correctly installing the spark plugs or cleaning the air filter so I have zero trust in them now) First ride and the new tyres are a huge improvement over the Michelin Pilot Road 4. Not the shake issue but the turn in and steering is vastly better which makes sense as the steering went slower with the Angel GT’s and slower again with the PR4’s so I have regained two notches of steering improvement with this tyre change and looking forward to updating further on this.

August 2016 steering update.
The Bridgestone BT-023GT spec are the best tyre so far on the FJR. I have completed a 2 week tour to Hokkaido and was very happy with the way these tyres felt in all conditions. First of all in the dry they steer much quicker than the Pirelli or Michelin tyres. Bit hard for me to accurately compare them back to the Metzeler tyres when I had not made the alterations to the ride height then but since those tyres wore out prematurely on the front I shall not be revisiting them. I can only presume the last set of non GT Bridgestones fitted by Naps Yokohama were very old stock or something odd as they were 1/2 price and I did not like them in the wet at all where as three days of rain on these and they felt very secure all the time. The combo as it now stands, lowered front, raised rear, raised bars and BT-023GT works rather well. Once the fuel load drops a little say from 3/4 on it steers nearly as good as the R1200RT. So much it now has me unable to decide if I will change bikes as planned after this year.
So I got 10,000km out of the Bridestone BT-023GT tyres. Just. The rear was gone by 9,000km however these remain the best wearing tyre so far and more importantly they did not get dramatically harder to steer as they wore. Yes certainly the effort to turn increased but nothing like the Angel GT’s that were incredibly heavy turn in when worn.
Current ownership thoughts December 2016.
The new 2016 Yamaha FJR has been released with some good updates to lights and clutch but alas is reported to be even more heavy. This is a motorcycle that so very much needed to lose weight. Everything now is about Adventure bikes so I presume sales of touring bikes like the FJR is probably low and there is little interest to properly update it which is a shame. I’ll probably be riding this for another couple of years at this rate. I want the full fairing and adjustable screen and long range going forward – just in something lighter. At the moment nobody is making the motorcycle I want for riding Japan. A mid size full featured tourer. I would buy a R1200RT but seems a huge outlay for minor gain. It is a little lighter and further more positions it’s weight lower so steers little better. But I prefer a inline four to a boxer twin and service cost of the FJR is next to nothing. It’s like servicing a car, change the oil, blow out the air filter and good to go. Very very hard to move away from that sort of reliability.
Update April 2017
I have the FJR for another year. I have put new tyres on, BT-023GT’s again, purchased online cheap from Yahoo store go-go-five here in Japan. These are the best for improving/lightening the steering so far. I got the dealer to renew my safety certificate and he changed the brake fluids and looked at rear drive oil but said it was fine and then blew out the air filter and looked the spark plugs but they were also fine so all up nothing much needed. This is such a low maintenance cheap to own motorcycle. I changed the oil myself as aftermarket oil and filter are fraction of cost of Yamaha branded items and as it was such an easy task. That’s all up to now.

2017 Autumn update.
The FJR1300 works well for the riding I am now doing which is touring only no day rides, average 5000km per tour. The comfort of the wind protection, heated grips, seat and lazy power engine are a good match. On small narrow roads that I seek to explore more the FJR is too big, but so would be any model tourer or big ADV style bikes like BMW GS. Those forest lanes are venturing into territory for real dual purpose bikes not anything big and heavy but the sort of bikes that work well in those conditions are not comfortable for the long ride there and back.
I did a oil change recently and it is the easiest thing in the world on this bike. Google the replacement filter and you will find many online, I got mine from amazon along with the filter tool and 5 litres of oil all for about $30. It took no time at all and saved me $250 that is charged by shops. Oil in Japan still comes in tins, and only in tins, the like of which were replaced by plastic bottles in Australia as far back as late 70’s.
2019 update.
Wow I have had this bike five years now and I shall have it at least some more as I cannot justify changing bikes here yet. In Japan a used bike is soon worth only half what it cost and mine at this age and mileage is worth virtually nothing resale. That’s just the way the market is here, cars are the same.
Further more at this point in time there isn’t really a bike that stands out as perfect for me riding Japan. I’d like something lighter but I want protection from the cold so am back looking at sport tour bikes since ADV things offer stuff all wind protection. Maybe when BMW replace the now long in the tooth F800GT that may fit the bill but I like all the bells and whistles on my long tours so it is possible the only bike that really fits is R1250RT. That is still one super expensive bike so it would have to wait until I reach a age I can access my retirement fund. At least by which time they may have replaced that stupid analogue dash with figures too small for anyone over 40 to read. I’d prefer another FJR if Yamaha properly updated it and shed some of the weight, but I doubt that will happen.
2019 second update:
The bike has developed a problem were it will not idle once warmed but dealer cannot find fault and its all controlled by software no manual settings. I have to hold the throttle open at lights or it will stall all the time, this is annoying to say the least.
On the positive I now have Dunlop Roadsmart 2 tyres fitted (could not find model 3) and these are terrific on the FJR. A noticeable improvement in steering lightness for the first 1000 km so far. Will report how long they last and if this continues and thus is compound related or if this fades soon and was merely initial tyre radius.
2021 Update
I still have the FJR. It will turn 100,000km in coming months.
The dealer fixed the engine idle problem eventually on 2nd visit, seems the injectors were clogged and I have returned to using premium gas despite the computer being able to use regular to help keep the injectors clean.
Those Dunlop RS2 tyres only lasted 5000km. After that I tried Bridgestone T31 GT’s and they were very good match for the bike offering ease of turning and 9000km life. I am now testing Dunlop RS4’s and will do a full tyre review of all the types I have used in future.
The FJR has been discontinued now which is a shame, I have come to really like this bike and if Yamaha were to do a modest update then I would certainly buy another. The Sports Tourer motorcycle category is dead, only the BMW R1250RT remains as a updated model for 2021. You can still buy the final model of the FJR which besides an unnecessary extra gear only adds LED lights. The Tracer 9 doesn’t work for me, different category, Sport-ADV, offering neither offroad capabilities nor touring level of wind and rain protection. I wish Honda made the Goldwing a little smaller. Oh well for now I remain on the FJR.
Mid 2021 update.
I am now on my 2nd set of Dunlop RoadSmart 4 tyres and these are the best tyres I have used on the FJR1300. The Bridestone T31GT tyres are a close 2nd and now that Bridgestone has released the T32GT they might beat the RS4 however the price is 10,000Y more so I am fitting the Dunlops again. They offer a easy turn in and decent grip but wear more even and maintain a more round shape into their later stage of life and last me 9000km.
2022 – Final update.
Alas I had to leave Japan and my FJR in 2022. I was diagnosed with cancer and returned to Australia for treatment which is going well as of the end of the year and I hope to be riding again by mid 2023.
I had to sell my FJR as I am not going back to Japan.
I wanted to import the FJR to Australia, I really have come to love this bike but it would have required I fly back to Japan to arrange the shipping and that was not possible with the surgery and chemotherapy I am undergoing.
Well I don’t know what bike I will have next, motorcycles in Australia are very expensive $30-$40KAUD for large models new. I might get something old and cheap until my proper retirement in 2 years then get another big tourer after I test ride or rent a few of them like the new Goldwing and of course the never ending array of ADV bikes coming out these days.
Who knows, I might even get another FJR.
Intriguing stuff on the gearbox and Yamaha's 1990's mentality, a sentiment which I can fully subscribe to after having owned a XT660Z Tenere for three years. That bike too had a gearbox that probably has a picture in the dictionary for the term "agricultural". Terribly clunky, esp in first to second. No comparison to other dual sports I have ridden. Reliable bikes, but slick they are not. Now I own a KTM Duke, since I stay mostly on the road, and can say, the attitude in terms of innovation is an eye opener in comparison. Maybe the new MT range is a sign of change for Yamaha.
Anyways, good review, great stuff in contrast to magazine reviews, which are rubbish most of the time.
I have a 2014 FJR The putting in gear from stop just pull leaver rev engine a little let it go to idle put in gear you want even feel it on up-shifts just slite pull of leaver and quick shift is smooth full pull and slow shift clunky on down shift make shift the instant your pulling leaver work throttle just like a car seems to work well bike corners well have no chicken strips but seems to drive in hard on downhill at low speed may be me laying on bars to heavy
You sound like you'd love a honda nc750x.. That is if you can do with the lesser horsepower, no traction control. And accessories that dont come as standard (heated grips,bigger screen, etc) lol
Mine has a slick shifting box, the clutch seems easy; the brakes don't need much of a pull to get abs activation. Bars are just slightly low and narrow, but work fine. I do not understand any issues you had with any of these. They all seem slick and on par with other modern bikes I've owned.
The FJR is a dream on sweepers. Words can not describe how well it works between 60 and 130mph. No chicken strips and just a little scrape now and then on the pegs. Until the tires get square. Then it sucks like he said. This is how motorcycles act with square tires.
I can fit an iPhone (with Otter box) and my wallet (fat with $ not spent on a BMW) in the dash box.
Battery is in a stupid place, especially regarding the lack of access to it. Completely agree here.
Vibration is minimal, but you can tell there is an engine running, I guess. You can spin up the rear tire coming off turns before the tc kicks in. Engine is so quiet and smooth you gotta look at the tack to keep if off the rev limiter.
U turns are about normal for a big sport touring bike. Turns sharper than an r6. No big deal. Works fine.
You can see the LEDs when the engine is running and lights are on.
The adjustable fairing deflectors do what they are supposed to do.
This is a tire shredding bike. But very smooth and docile when trying to act nice. I don't understand how the author had all those issues.
Excellent real-world review. FJR is one of the top picks to be my ride when I move to Japan, but I haven't ridden one yet. Your description on its "flaws" and its "strengths" are more or less what I was expecting, but the clanky gearbox, unwillingness to change position in-turn and being top-heavy all the time were things I had no idea about.
The strength of the FJR lies in wide sweepers and highways. I am ok with the first, but I avoid highways all the time. So that probably makes it less suited to my needs.
I have lately owned a Honda Pan-European, a Honda Crosstourer and a Yamaha Fazer 8. I do prefer touring bikes, but I love riding twisties more than anything else. I think I will have to do with a little less wind / weather protection and go with a Super Tenere or another Honda Crosstourer. I would totally like a BMW GS or RT, but I ride close to 40k kms a year on average, and doubt any boxer will live with me for a long time without any issues.
It is a good bike but could be made better if they just refreshed it a little. It still would be ideal for somewhere like Australia where I wanted one but they were twice the price. Here so many more roads are tight and twisty than I first imagined and now find the FJR is starting to limit my riding so I am looking at what else might still be good as the FJR at getting me to the riding roads as well as then be fun once there. Tough, maybe impossible to be best of both worlds.
If money was no option perhaps the new Multistrada now that it has cruise control for the highway. Perhaps the RT1200 but evidence that a boxer can be reliable is lacking and service costs are obscene. Even smaller and lighter would work best once in the mountains here. Things like the Versys 650 and that size would be better fit.
Özgür Taşkın is going to love the FJR when he gets his as most of the things the reviewer criticise don't even exist except for the shift from neutral into 1st and also the placement access and top heaviness of the battery.
I am now on my 2nd FJR, I did 156,000km's on my first with no trouble except for a recon on the slave cylinder and have now done 65,000km's on the latest one.
I am a short 168cm high and 70kg and have no trouble throwing it around in the twisties and having fun with all but the best of the sports bike riders.
Tires are not a problem and I get 8,000 to 10,000 k's from each set but I wouldn't touch the pilots the reviewer suggests are good as they are the only tyres that have ever given my sphincter a work out.
Three of the guys I ride with regularly have also had FJR's and also swear by the FJR and we have travelled many 1000's of k's together.
The one thing I now find a little difficult is the weight of the bike when manoeuvring it around in the garage as I am now in my late 60's and alas am not as strong as I once was.
But once I get going the bike is as nimble as a child's turning pony.
I really don't know how this guy can give this much underrated bike such a poor review.
Oh well I guess we are all different but I would hate to see anyone put off this great bike because of such a well written but misguided review.
I tend to agree with Ross, and I'm confused by some of the errors in the otherwise honest and we'll written review. The battery cover panel is a pain to remove (until easily modified) on the older models, but on the 2014 model it takes less than two minutes to remove or replace.
I'm coming from a much larger and heavier Honda GL1800 Gold Wing, and the FJR's weight and handling seem relatively agile to me, so I suspect a lot of what a new rider feels will depend on his previous ride. I've installed the very reasonably priced and easily changed Touring windshield from Yamaha (4" taller, 2" wider, 25% thicker than the original). The wind protection is better, but not as much as I'd hoped. Likewise for the 1" tall handlebar risers, better, but I stll wish the hand grips were a little higher and maybe 2" further back.
I'm confused by the seat. It feels too firm, yet it always feels comfortable! I get a little butt burn after a few hours, but it goes away quickly once off the bike.
I can't rate the sporty handling because of my back problem. There's a wide yellow streak running top to bottom. But I will say that I'm more than satisfied, and that describes my feeling about the brakes as well.
Yeah, the clutch pull is noticeably hard at standstill, but I don't notice it while riding.
By the way, I'm 68 years old, 6' tall, and weigh 260 lbs. (I quit smoking and quickly gained 55 lbs.!) I like riding fast, but I don't corner fast. To me the engine is nothing short of amazing, so smooth and so strong!
This 2014 FJR1300. Is my first non-Honda street bike is a very long time, but I was sold by the FJR's standard features (to include it's amazing digital display capabilities!), its reputation for great reliability with minimal maintenance (26,000 mile valve adjustments!), it's overall good looks (very objective, I know), and its huge and loyal fan base.
While I admire some of the finer characteristics of the BMW's and Ducatis, I am not prepared to spend thousands of dollars and many hours each year to maintain a $25-30,000 motorcycle. Not many bikes are as reliable and trouble free as most Hondas, but the FJR 100 has just such a reputation.
I don't consider my 2014 FJR1300 the perfect bike, but it has so far proven far more than just satisfactory for my needs and wants. I like it!
I totally agree with the RT reliability issue, or the lack of evidence at least, and I can't put much faith in Ducati either. I think bikes with cruise controls are usually the biggest bikes available, thus not the most noteworthy when it comes to tight roads. Hence the dilemma.
I think I will get a SuperTenere or MT-09 Tracer. The first might be marginally better than the FJR in twisties, if any at all, but it is a newer bike with excellent wind protection and cruise control. The latter is everything you (and I) ask for, minus the cruise control.
If you consider mid-size bikes like Versys, check out the new Tracer. I know what it costs in Japan, and it's simply a steal to be honest.
PS: I am amazed how much information you have available on your blog. Inspirational, thank you so much.
You might be right about the Tracer. Never really noticed it before but same price as a new Versys around 1 million Yen it seems a lot more bike for the money.
I have not given up on the FJR completely yet. Being based in Nagoya there was countless good roads within reach same day. But now based near Tokyo there is limited same day riding options and long haul to get to the better riding areas. I also love the full electric screen and wind protection which extends the ride season into otherwise too cold weather.
Lots for me to consider yet.
I bought a 2006 FJR about two weeks ago, looking for a bit more sporty than the 2004 Kawi Vulcan Nomad 1500 I was riding. The first thing I noticed was the very heavy clutch pull, much more than the Nomad, which also has a hydro clutch. Haven't had any long sweepers yet, but the Yami felt pretty good on the tame hill roads around here. The first thing I want to get is a set of HeliBars. I'll ride it for a while, and then re-evaluate.
Hope you have been able to get it working for you.
Mate – Brilliant Review – Thanks for that. Am an Australian – lots of long long straight roads you have to cover to get to the good bits – perfect bike for both although great everyday around town bike as well. I wonder what the racing boys are up to in Australia – naked bikes isolate you here – OK for a blast on the weekend but not to travel. Australian car drivers are not like the Europeans…they are not 'drivers' – very few manual cars – and there are not so many motorbikes so they do not 'think bike'. The power (in any gear) and size of the FJR allows you to be seen (presence) and escape other people's mistakes – essential when there are so many distracted 4WDrivers on the road on their mobile phones. FJR is bullet proof for long term ownership/everyday bike/touring continent. Expensive here but BMW alternatives even more expensive and the servicing (say no more). You can service the FJR yourself. Thoroughly recommended. Used to own Harleys – the engineering alone was reason enough to go back to a Yamaha although the truth is that the 'posing' element of Harleys (HOG felt like an excuse to dress-up for adults) just isn't some people's (my) thing.
Thanks (and sorry to anyone for late replies to the feedback here but I was getting some hate mail for while haha). Yes that is a good point that the bike has road presence, even in the grey that mine is people seem to notice it.
You sound like you'd love a honda nc750x.. That is if you can do with the lesser horsepower, no traction control. And accessories that dont come as standard (heated grips,bigger screen, etc)
Thanks yes I did consider one. The power of the NC is ample for me but with the cold weather here I prefer a full fairing.
Just an update to all the above. Thanks for the constructive comments. I have chosen not to debate with owners as serves no purpose since they would likely argue it was the greatest even if it had square wheels. No motorcycle that I know has such one eyed followers. What you don't see here is the comments I did not publish from the truly fanatical who were abusive and threatening. Folks it's just a motorcycle. It has some good points but I think needs a few updates. Nothing you say is likely to alter that and no threats from extremists will limit my freedom of expression.
First , a great blog. Tyres or wheel alignment may be the issue on your bike. Mine has very good turn in if i keep front tyre pressure at 42psi,"fall in" cornering below 38 psi. Also my tyres (dunlop sportmax) have worn evenly and are still road legal with 16,000km on them ( rear is due though.) Regards David.
Thanks David. I think I have the understeer reduced now that I raised the rear. I have been inflating to 42psi. I wore out a set of Sportmax tyres on a Kawasaki 750 in Australia in very short time however I will ask about them and their Road Smart tyres too because it certainly is a bike that needs rubber that wears very consistent throughout the radius.
Lots of good points from both the author and the "comments". I currently have a 2014 FJR ES and I think it handles quite well for a big bike in the tight stuff. I had a 2013 with the non adjustable suspension for a year and was able to "trade up" for pennies to I did and the difference in turn it is very noticeable. I'm 55 years old and while I can still get after it in the turns (I'm no Rossi) but coming off a 2011 Multistrada I ride this as fast thru my usual roads. Sure the Ducati was/is a fun bike with a lot good things but it will cost you a bunch of money and time and it is in no way as smooth and comfortable for long distance touring. I sold it for an FJR and have not regretted it. Sure the new RT is a fine bike. I have a friend who has a brand new one. He paid twice (US) than I did for my slightly used FJR and the service will be way more and more frequent. I'm convinced that the RT is probably easier to flick thru the turns ( even tho that fairing looks like a spinnaker) but that boxer motor just does nothing for me. To each his own..
Yes I didn't like the boxer twin engine much. My favourite engine ever is probably the Suzuki 1250 used in the Bandit. Less horse power than the FJR's engine but much more torque. You could forget to change down and leave the lights in 3rd and totally not realise it yet still enjoy that inline four wind up when on the right bit of road. Now if only I could get Suzuki to build a touring bike around it.
After reading your suspension comments and how you changed out the dog bones to cure your handling woes, I was wondering if you reverted back to the factory settings for your front forks ride height, rear shock stiffness settings and riser plate and just changed out the dog bones? I have a 2011 model not so entirely different from yours but I also notice a heavy front steering that I would like to make better. Thanks…
I have returned my pre load settings to standard but have left the front forks raised in the triple clamps. I have not had any problems with ground clearance with the front lowered so am going to leave it as is for now.
Amazing review, thank you so much for the time and effort to share your observations. Did you ever notice rapid coolant temperature changes on the temperature Guage? I am being told this is normal. 210F to 135F to 154F all in the space of 5 Seconds. Yamaha is telling me that all the new FJR's do this as they relocated the sensor up by the thermostat.
No I have not seen my temperature fluctuate rapidly. In traffic jams it will go up but hit a maximum and then soon as rolling again it falls down to normal in short amount of time.
Wish I had come across this article before purchasing my '14. The FJR forum, although helpful in many ways, minimizes the top heavy aspect of the bike. Before purchase, I had sat on FJR's at various shows. Doing the tilt while seated, I had no sense of what was to come. The lure of the bike, as you stated, is a whole lot of features for a reasonable price. Agree totally that all its pluses, shaft, cruise, grips, elec windshield, power, and what I consider positive handling above walking speed, all eliminate one's choice to a very limited selection.
Purchased the bike March, '15. PA to SF and back with meandering both ways. The drama began at my first nights stop. Tip over in the motel lot! From there it was trepidation and two more (one, the kickstand slinky spring let the bike roll at a gas stop) tip overs and the consternation was permanent. Just rode PA to Austin and must say, I have no more confidence at walking speed to a stop. Traffic jams and campground maneuvering are susceptible an issue I'm thinking of bailing out on what I thought would be the nicest bike I've ever owned.
I am sure you will get used to the weight with a little time but I know how you must feel. Within first few rides I had mine fall over when trying to do a walking pace U turn on a narrow road. I know it can be done as I see the Japanese Police put these bikes through those gymkhana courses but the long wheel base and weight caught me out. Now I keep both feet firmly on ground for all walking speed type manoeuvres. If you raise the forks in the triple clamps an inch that will get your feet on the ground better and improve it's turning.
Decided on a new bike yet? I am trying to decide myself. I live in hot Houston with mostly straight, flat, high speed roads.
P.S. Great write up by the way. Very helpful. I did test drive an FJR and did notice the slow steering. I want a fun bike with wind protection that is reliable. Does such a bike exist? I saw review comments that the Yamaha FJ-09 was fun but was noisy from the wind and had so so wind protection.
There is no light or small touring bikes with good wind protection being built at the moment. The only choice is either heavy tourer or the adventure bikes. I want something lighter but I ride in cold temperatures so really best compromise for me might be a R1200RT but still much bigger than I want. Engine wise 700cc would be ample for me so I may still end up moving to something like the new MT-07.
Really entertaining and informative. I'm currently on a 2014 Vstrom here in the U.S., an even though I've toured on it, it is the real mile munched I'm craving. Previous big mileages rides have always been Toad Kings, but the heat, tech, and "lifestyle" always turn me off. Would love a new BMW R1200RS, but they're rare, and easily $4,000 U.S. more than new FJRs.
Looking at left over 2015s and used 2013 FJR.
Long stretch to the bars compared to Vstrom. If buying something at the moment I'd probably look at the last air cooled R1200RT models 2012-2013 which have significant weight saving over the FJR and have come down well in price but would want a good warranty in place which may be hard to find. Nobody is making a proper tourer that is not overly large or heavy. Was wishing Yamaha to modernise the FJR and put it on diet but 2016 model very heavy.
After sitting on a few sland riding a 2013, I ruled out the FJR as a next bike. I was getting really comfortable with the V-Strom, then an ad for a KTM 1290 SA flashed before my eyes! A couple hours on it and I was convinced I'd found "the" bike.
While waiting on papers work and details to get settled, I made the mistake of testing a new R1200GS. The GS has been at the top of my list for 20 years.
So, this morning I finally brought the dream bike home. 200 miles on it this afternoon, and I have w 300 mile route planned for tomorrow.
I can't believe I waited this long.
Congrats on the new bike. I like the GS, nice neutral handling, alas the cold weather here has me looking for full fairing but this really eliminates so many bikes that otherwise would suit me well. Fairly certain 2016 will be my last season on the FJR but still have nothing in mind to replace it. Has to be a little smaller and a little lighter so I can explore more of the back roads here.
How would one get a warranty on a 2012-13 R1200RT?
I see some this age advertised as "BMW Premium Certified" with warranty. That would be supplied by the BMW dealer I presume. Red Baron motorcycle dealer group here have their own warranty plans for used bikes but they are not BMW dealers. I would want a longer more comprehensive warranty if buying a BMW boxer. Perhaps something closer to what is offered by the Car Max group in the USA on used vehicles. Not sure if that exists here so for now I am still on the FJR and just looking at things like the RT and waiting.
I'm 6'2" with a 36" inseam. Long arms, so don't mind to much reach. Life-long runner, so I need to stretch my knees, hence the comfort of the Harley touring bikes, like the Road King. The 2009-2013 plastic in the RT cuts into my shins, the cylinder heads have always been an issue for me, going back to an R90/6 I rode 20+ years ago.
I'm leaning towards to FJR BECAUSE of the BMW reliability issues, which is why anew R1200RS appealing, warranty.
Yep the reliability was something that swayed me to the FJR. Been looking at RT's recently again but would need a long comprehensive used vehicle warranty. Unlikely I will go to that brand, just poking around bike shops. Tyre kicking I think is the term.
The weather here really dictates what sort of bike I ride. If I was to move back to my home town in Australia where it is hot and sunny year round I could consider anything but here where summer is monsoon I only have cool to cold weather to ride and that may keep me on the FJR.
Very good review love your point of view, I have the same year FJR that you have and also an 04 Suzuki Bandit GS1200. it's night and day riding between the two, But I haven't experience any of the problem you mention. My commute to work is 102 miles round trip. Now I do live in Southern Calif., So our road may not be as tight as where you are. I have a question regarding your P4 tires, I just put a set on FJR, and my Bandit. On the bandit it boost my riding confidence. Not so much on the FJR. I love my FJR I can keep up with and sport bike, and cruise all day long. Recently when up to Big Sur, on HWY 1, she handle like a dream. Now I will be 6 decades next year so dragging my knee has long gone for me. Not sure what you mean when you say the FJR can't hold a line?
You have many beautiful roads there in California. I rode hwy 1 and other parts of California on a R1200RT and when I come back next year I'd love to have a FJR for my tour. Here things are very different, one lane switchback roads. The Angel GT's worked nice on the FJR for confidence but lifespan was low.
Honest impressions from someone not on the payroll of a magazine that needs to sell advertising – very refreshing (BTW – love the crack about the magazine guys being ex-racers. Most of them are wannabes, not real track experts.). Had an '06 FJR that was an abysmal handler anytime the front tire pressure dropped below 38. Sold it and picked up an '07 K1200GT: Great motor, very top heavy, handling was OK at best but service was expensive (BMW = Break My Wallet). Bike was destroyed in a parking lot via a hit and run driver, I wasn't there. Picking up a '13 FJR with 4K miles for just over $10K American. I appreciate the fact you continually update your post. Thanks – I'll keep reading.
Haha have not heard that Break My Wallet one before. The BT-023GT tyres I am running now have been great so far. Surprised how much better than the non GT version of same tyres these are. Turn in with these plus the ride height mods and extra steering input from bar raise has the bike fairly close to the RT once the fuel drops to 3/4.
Two and a half years with the FJR now. Love it! The motor is like a turbine engine – twist the throttle and the power is linear. Turning the bike isn’t difficult once you understand that the top heavy weight distribution will respond quickly if you aren’t afraid to put a measured, but significant, input into the clip-ons. Dead stable, comfortable (Sargent Cycle replacement seat), and a true mile muncher. Upgraded the hydraulic lines to all teflon, put a set of cages on the bags and the front, added a set of Clearwater Lights (Sevina/Erica combo) hanging below the mirrors. This is the two-wheel equivalent of a Mercedes S-Class: Fast, big, comfortable, and with a refinement that feels like a million bucks. A keeper.
I have adjusted to how much more effort is required to turn the FJR but that aspect remains a negative. Its a long run with the bike underneath not changed, 18 years, I think it is due for a update like Honda gave the Goldwing, have the FJR lose some of the weight it has been gaining, fix dumb stuff like having the battery in the upper fairing and improve the high COG by having the fuel load move down inside frame.
Hope I see that in next few years I would get another if that happened. The BMW R1250RT is lighter and carries the weight lower and the telelever stops the dive the FJR has with full fuel, it also has heated seat and the stuff like hill start etc, but it is twice the price to buy and many times more to own than the FJR which is almost nothing to service.
Great article. I've just exchanged a Triumph Tiger 800 XTC for a 2014 FJR AS (no clutch, electronic suspension). I'm a Brit living in France, and struggled with the French manual to understand all the gizmos (still struggling to understand what the hell 'stop mode' is!) Overall the bike is great. I am very wary of it's weight when parking / slow speed manoeuvres etc., but on the open road it's marvellous. I have owned 3 of the old Triumph Trophies, which I loved, but didn't fancy the new one.
I hope you enjoy your FJR. Perhaps try google translate app on the French manual. You can take photo of a paragraph and then it will translate.
Just picked up an new 2015 1300A for $9999! having had an 04 abs I pretty much knew what to expect. I've only got 275 miles on the 15 so on not sure if I like it better than the 04. I can't help but wonder where the 15 picked up the extra 100 pounds.
Hope you enjoy it. I am surprised the 15 then the 16 both got heavier – while other Yamaha's all got lighter? I really hope they reverse that in the future.
I have just been re-reading the comments here. Something that people seem to be overlooking is the handling traits that I find in the FJR are related to the roads here in Japan. If I was riding the sweeping open roads in North America, Australia or Spain the FJR would be fine. However many roads here are nothing like that. Narrow, very tight blind corners. It is a lot of work to manhandle the 300kg FJR around switch back one lane corners as it would be with any of the large tourer motorcycles – none of them suit here. The ideal bike on many roads here is probably a light weight road trail.
I bought a new 2017 Kawasaki Z1000SX. I think it may be the bike you are looking for. It does not have cruise control, and it is chain drive. That is the only 2 "negatives" about it. Other than that, it is everything I wanted from my FJR, but didn't get. It is 140 lbs lighter, and the wheelbase is 4 inches shorter. The redesigned fairing for 2017 is very good in the rain. It has LED headlights now, and both beams stay on for low beam and high beam. Inline 4 engine, great horsepower, huge midrange. I could go on and on. Please take a look. You may find it's what you have been waiting for.
Hi thanks for this feedback. Actually I found the Z1000SX reviewed in an online magazine the other week and thought wait a minute this looks just the sort of thing I am looking for. Then I went to check the price in Japan and it is not sold here. No idea why but there are some models omitted here (and some local models not sold overseas).
What can happen however is after a while they may released it here if they feel sufficient demand has built up or some dealers do what they call reverse import and buy a bunch of Euro/US spec (but japanese built) bikes and do the local compliance themselves so it is a case of wait and see for this but that works for me as I just renewed my FJR's road tax and insurance and put new tyres on so will ride it this season at least having spent the dollars.
Sounds like the bike that you are looking for in a light weight tourer, is the Yamaha Tracer 900 GT. A lot lighter than the FJR and a lot more nimble in going around the curves. The bike is set up with side panniers, cruise control, heated grips, TFT screen, good wind protection. I have ridden all across Canada on my Tracer GT.
Hi Brian,
I rode the Tracer 900 on my 3rd New Zealand tour and it is an excellent bike.
Weather protection is a lot less than the FJR with it’s full fairing and large screen but the Tracer is much lighter and fun to ride.
My views have really changed whilst owning the FJR, initially I struggled to adjust and nearly sold it, then I had period of uncertainty but finally I came to appreciate how capable it is once I got it setup to suit me and feel disappointed Yamaha will discontinued it.
Late to your site …. thank you for taking the time and effort, much appreciated! I ride a 2006 FJR AS in OZ and am loving it – unfortunately not touring enough so lots of stop start commute made me look for a lighter bike with strong torque and good comfort, Tracer 900 GT no strange riding position sitting on the tank (felt like it) bars too wide .. Versys 1000 a bit too top heavy and tall R1200RS looks interesting apparently post 2015 reliability has improved a lot (forums comments) stay rubber side down and keep writing Cheers
Hi thanks for an excellent and informative long term review. I have been trying to find the ultimate all year round (or at least 10 months) tourer and commuter. I live in Scotland so really understand when you insist on full fairings, I too really need the same. I may have missed it in your blog but did you investigate the GTR1400 (Concours) or the old ST1300? as I would’ve thought these are the real competition to the FJR not the over-rated BMW’s. I am looking at the FJR, GTR100 or Pan and until I read your blog was starting to lean towards the FJR but have really been put off by the high centre of gravity issue I’ve only now learnt about. I just know in winter with skittish greasy road surfaces how ropey turning into junctions etc are with a high centre of gravity. I have a zzr1400 which has a fantastically low centre of gravity and is (believe it or not) great in these conditions but I’ve had the back spin up a few times now which must look really cool to everyone else but it does get the heart pumping and the arse clenching a bit.. I owned a BMW K1600GT for a while and did love it but got rid due to the telehandler (or whatever it’s called) front end, nobody I mean nobody tells you about how seriously crap-yourself vague the handling on these bikes are on motorway sweepers, I genuinely though I was losing the front end and about to meet my maker on this bike doing road legal speeds in slightly damp conditions all because of the anti dive front end, you lose all that essential feedback you take for granted with conventional forks. Anyway I’m drifting of-course here, so my question is; is the high centre of gravity on the FJR really that bad? I’ve riden the GTR1400 and like the ZZR has mass centralisation and feels planted at low speeds I’m guessing the PAN probably is pretty low centred too but how about compared to the FJR? I really want you to say its no biggie on the FJR and it wont feel that skittish on low speed damp corners at low temp obviously I know about tyre choice being essential too, but all things being even.. what would you say?
Hi Paul,
The FJR certainly does not feel skittish and always feels planted. I mentioned the feeling of higher centre of gravity in relation to how it turns in to corners but that is also simply it being a big and heavy bike compared to what I had ridden previously. I have adjusted completely to the extra weight and rarely notice it. The right tyres make a big difference to how the bike feels and I found Dunlop Roadsmart 4 tyres are a fantastic match for the FJR.
Warren did you ever figure out what was causing the steering shake you mentioned? Did you find a fix for it. I have the same issue on my FJR with Michelin Road 6 GT’s
Yes Henry it was the carcass of the Michelin Pilot Road tyres I then had fitted. The dealer declared the front tyre to be a premature failure.
Related to this is some years before in Australia I was using Michelin tyres on my then MV Agusta and had a tyre construction issue with one and the tyre shop switched me to Metzeler tyres and told me he had a number of problems with the Michelin tyres since they moved manufacturing to Thailand (at that time).
The Dunlop Roadsmart 4 GT were excellent on my FJR, the turn in is very nice and I felt very confident on wet roads with them.
Miss my FJR now I am back in Australia, it is in process of sale and wish I could have kept it but I am not going back to live in Japan again.
Hello Warren, I’m sorry to hear that you are being treated for cancer and wish you the best possible outcome so you can get back to living and riding and blogging. I for one will be watching this space and praying for full and speedy recovery and your return to Motorcycle Paradise. Good luck.
Wallace Bradley
Blackstock Ontario
Thanks Wallace, my surgery has gone well and I hope to be riding again later in 2023.
Would love to ride the highlands in Ontario some day, been on my list for awhile 🙂
Warren, you inspired me! Recently purchased a 2023 FJR1300ES, traded in my 2020 Tracer 900GT for it. I had rented one for a day out in Las Vegas last year, putting 200 miles/325 kms on it, and absolutely loved it! I had been waiting for the 2023’s to arrive at the local dealer(s), especially with the cobalt blue paint instead of the drab gray that Yamaha has had for years, but was more thinking about securing one amidst the rumors of the FJR being discontinued after this model year. Excellent bike for where I currently live (Florida, USA) due to the straight, flat roads which require traveling long distances (often on expressways) to get to good riding areas. Only mod I’ve done so far is to install a quad-lock phone mount (of course the mount from the Tracer didn’t fit!), but generally speaking I don’t venture far from stock with my bikes anyway. In all honesty, the Tracer is better suited to “around town” riding due to being lighter and quicker, but was a bit nervous at (allegedly) high rates of speed on the open road whereas the FJR is solid as a rock at speeds well above the 70mph/115kph speed limits here in the USA. I liked the Tracer, but didn’t love it…I love the FJR, and will have it for years to come. Your article was geared towards riding in Japan, and I suspect that I would feel that the FJR is too big and heavy for my taste…I had a ZRX400 when living in Okinawa, and a CB400 when we lived in Iwakuni that I rode all over western Honshu and Kyushu and loved that size bike/engine on the mountain roads there. Recently rode around the Izu peninsula on a rented CBR650R, and that is probably the biggest bike that I would enjoy in Japan (BTW, that trip was f’in awesome). But I digress! The FJR is a fantastic bike, no gripes yet, but I also plan to purchase a CBR650R to have for around-town and short trips in the area where a physically lighter and quicker bike would be welcome with the heavy traffic in this area.
Hi Eric, Congrats on the new bike, I really miss my FJR.
Currently I have the little BMW G310GS as a around town and explore some dirt roads bike. It is a good bike, very easy to ride off road, but when I did some long distance on it I found myself dreaming of my FJR.
It might have been a little big on some roads of Japan but countering that was every tour involved days on the expressway, days of rain or cold or crosswinds or all those combined and numerous cold tunnels. I could never have done 110,000km touring Japan on bike that did not provide the FJR’s comfort and road holding.
I have looked at another one here, the black final edition with gold wheels but my future is not clear yet. If I am staying here for medical reasons then I’ll be looking for a touring bike and the FJR still makes a compelling case to me being built so well able to just do oil change at home every second year and valves on mine were not even looked at until 90,000 at my insistence but were still perfect as the mechanic had predicted. Mighty fine bike.
Hi Warren –
Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to write such an in-depth review. In my holidays and spare time, I arrange guided tours in Northern Europe (www. motour.dk) – I have been riding a XTZ 1200 2017 until now, and it has served me so well during the first 50K miles – not a single glitch. And now two questions if I may:
a) Do I understand it correctly that the gear ratio in 5th on the FJR you had is the same as the ratio in 6th in the later six-speed models?
b) Is it fiddly to change headlight bulbs?
I hope you are recovering well from your cancer.
All the best from Copenhagen, Denmark
Hi Anders,
Your tours look very nice. I wish to ride Scandinavia in the future, if my health is good perhaps 2025.
I have not ridden the 6 speed to know the highway rpm in 6th gear. Some journalist said it is same, some said different – but neither had a 5 speed model with them to compare so just their imagination more than accurate report.
On my bike the rpm in 5th at 100kph was as low as I think was reasonable throttle response to accelerate. The engine was revving low and just before the rpm zone of power. i.e. very economical rpm.
If the 6 speed ratio was any lower rpm than this it would place the engine in an rpm at 100kph where it would be laboring/too low for good throttle response and that would also change the fuel economy to less.
If there is any difference it can only be miniscule.
The headlight bulbs are difficult to change. For good access you really need to disassemble some of the body work and plastics around the front of the bike.
Thanks I am recovering well and starting my first overseas ride soon!
Good luck with your treatment .I am going through all the understeering problems you mentioned. Bike simply wont hold the line. I will get Dunlop Roadsmart tires and see how they work.
Hi Anil,
The Roadsmart 4 are very good on the FJR1300. I would say the biggest improvement was changing the rear suspension links to raise the rear and then with the front lowered and the bar risers giving more leverage it all came together ok for me.
H Warren, thanks for the brilliant honest user review. I deliberated between the 2021 model FJR1300 and 2021 Harley Davidson Sport Glide for a few years, and finally pushed the button in 2021 buying the Harley Davidson Sport Glide. I previously ride Yamahas, so the FJR seemed the most obvious progression to do more touring. My issues with the FJR after test riding was the top heavy weight, heat generated in traffic and difficult handling in slow traffic as it would be my only bike, so use of commuting was also a need for me. I thought long and hard and decided that I didn’t really need the extended wind protection for our 100-110klm speed limited Australian roads. 32,000klms later, and having read all the comments to your review, I really feel like I made the right choice. The FJR is a magnificent machine. But at 60 years, 6′ tall and 90kgs I just feel at home on the Harley and I’ll keep riding it till it starts costing me money. So far, it’s been bullet proof and I like to do 5-8 day trips (usually 2,000-3000klms at a time). But I will always have a soft spot for the FJR and I do think it’s a great bike, despite its challenges. If I lived in Europe where 130-140klm highways and cold weather were an issue, it would be a no brainer for me. FJR every day. Thanks Warren, and to all your followers for the well considered and thoughtful comments all round. This is one of the best landing places I’ve come across to learn about the true pros and cons of the FJR, written by real riders. Well done to all. Cheers and I do hope you got over the cancer battle and are feeling 100%. Thanks also to everyone that’s taken the time to comment as you have all helped to confirm in me that I made the right choices for my own reasons. Can’t wait to see what Yamaha does to replace at the mighty FJR1300.
Hi Pete,
I am again looking at what touring bike I will buy next and now I am back in Australia my shopping list is different.
I still like the FJR1300. Price for a low km used bike is reasonable. The ultra reliable engine means ownership cost is very low since I can do the simple servicing at home.
I like riding with my outer visor open (inner tinted visor down) and not getting hit by dust or bugs and the FJR screen works well for me.
However the big problem is the heat from the thermo fans and engine that bath the rider at lower speed and at traffic lights.
In Japan I was riding mostly in cold seasons and warmth was a bonus but in the short summer there it was almost unbearable. In Australia and living in the north the heat from radiator and engine would melt me.
I’m actually considering the 2024 Street Glide. I also like the new Gold Wing bagger very much. But both might be more fairing than is needed in Australia where mostly I will be riding in warm air.
Hi Warren, the Street Glide is a nice bike, but a tad heavy. If you ride solo, a soft tail (like the Sport Glide) is still worth considering. The Sport Glide is also a lot lighter (albeit still 317kg wet). I solved the minor issue with the lack of decent fairing on the Sport Glide by storing the OEM fairing (permanently) and going with an aftermarket Memphis Shades El Paso sport screen (solid and USA built), which keeps the bugs off your visor and gives you a calm upper body and relief from wind at 80-110klms. No problems at all riding with your visor up. For Australia’s conditions ( I’m Sydney -based) I find it a good set up. Have toured to Brisbane, southern Snowy country and Great Ocean Road and very comfy. If you need two-up riding the Street Glide might be the better option with the touring frame, but it’s a larger and heavier steed to manage. For solo riding the Sport Glide is great and comes with two hard panniers with 50litre capacity, which is decent. Good luck with the deliberations. Cheers Pete.
Hi Warren, great long term review which I have taken much of your advice about tyres. I have a 2014ES FJR which I acquired last year after having a 2001 silver model for the previous 2 years (the guy I brought that one from brought it back off me as he missed it so much). The 2014 model I have now was beautifully looked after from new by a chap who knew his bikes. The electronic suspension solution really makes a difference and a vast improvement over the standard manual. No more C spanner. I hope your touch with cancer has resolved itself and you are back riding again. In the UK our drivers are very much aware of bikes but we suffer another problem here which is aging bike riders and quite a few in our local area have unfortunately lost their lives riding sports bikes and high powered naked machines. That is what I like about the FJR it is a big solid lump which lets you know very quickly when you are riding outside your abilities envelope. I have still to work out the USD fork oil service and tools required as gone past the 10 year age and looking forward to hearing from anybody who has done this. The 2001 model was easy and made a big difference afterwards. Let me know if you ever get over to this part of the world and I hope you get back onto an FJR in Australia. Thank you again for your article.
Hi Harry,
Yes I would certainly want an ES version if I got another FJR. I am told the USD forks removed the harshness on high speed damping my conventional forks had.
I am keeping an eye on the bike market to see if one of the anniversary editions in black and gold come up for sale as that would be tempting at the right price but also considering two other touring models.
My cancer is still in remission thanks very much 🙂
I live in Ontario, Canada and am currently considering buying a 2014 FJR with 95,000km on it. What kind of major service could I be looking at if it has not already been done on this bike with this many kms? I’m particularly interested in your insights having purchased one new and having had it to over 110,000km. Did you have to replace the clutch or water pump during your ownership?
Hi Steve,
The only extra service item I had done during my ownership was cleaning the fuel injectors and that only came about because living in Japan you sit at traffic lights a lot and I did not realise I need to occasionally add injector cleaner to my fuel. Once I knew this and found a injector cleaner brand that actually did what it claimed then this was no longer an issue.
But I suspect much would depend on how the bike you are buying was maintained and ridden. At 110,000km my bikes valves were still in spec and had not needed shims, but I never rode my bike hard as I’m older guy and so wasn’t revving the engine hard ever.
If it has been serviced correctly then I can’t see that you would have anything special needing to be done other than continue with normal servicing.
Hi Warren, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my questions, I really appreciate it. I’m only 33 but I’ve wanted an FJR since it first test drove one in 2010 shortly after I got my motorcycle licence. It’s pretty incredible that you wrote this review over 10 years ago and that it’s not only still helping people (around the world) to consider and make an informed decision about becoming an FRJ owner, but also that you’re still responding to comments in 2024! I’m glad to hear your cancer is in remission via another recent comment, and I hope you have many years of enjoyable riding ahead of you yet. Cheers!
Thanks Steve, the FJR1300 remains a great allrounder that is super reliable. I can’t think of anything else that compares to it’s combination of ultra reliable, low ownership cost, all day touring comfort yet sporty if required. I’m actually considering getting another next year for that reason. Regards, Warren.