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The open road beckons me for one more ride.
Relaxing by the wide Clarence river
Countryside in the tablelands looks very different to the tropics where I live, almost like North West of the USA.
I tried but cannot correct the exposure much more with the bright mid afternoon sun.
Forgotten train stations are always of interest to me.
One of the things I will miss most is the country towns.
Outlaws in the USA. We call them Bushrangers. I will come back and explore the history in future.
The dull low shrubby landscape so typical of Australia.
This is my last ride report on Australian roads for awhile. I have sold the CB1100 and I am relocating overseas. I had planned a big farewell tour but weather has been poor. That’s the bad news. The good news is I have many new roads to look forward to having become a little disillusioned about Australia. I will be able to ride other countries being closer and able to access affordable airfares and I will have spare time to fix up this blog to how I would really like it to look.
Sorry to see this end and hoping that the two wheel fever will rise up once again for you and you will just have to hit the road and tell us about your adventures. God bless you and keep you safe our friend!
This isn't the end. It's just the beginning. There are new roads just waiting to be discovered and ridden. Your blog could contain multi continent rides.
Goodluck with your future endeavours and stay safe mate.
Ive enjoyed your reviews and reports over the last couple of years
Good luck overseas
Steve Sunshine coast
The news is a tad bittersweet Warren. I've really enjoyed your reviews and reports as well – and it really has been over years. Although the gaps between posts were getting bigger I was still keen to read your latest offerings. I'll miss that.
On the plus side it sounds like there's travel and adventure on the horizon… I'm sure there's a few of us who wish we had the ticker to bite the bullet and take such a big step.
Best wishes for the future mate, whatever it holds… and ride safe.
Bob B. (skitta)
Thanks for sharing this body of information I.C.. It is the best blog of it's type and was the main inspiration for me to start riding for the first time in 2008.
Living in SE Queensland it is especially relevant to me and I've enjoyed many of the routes you documented.
Many thanks and best wishes for the future.
Iron Chef… best of luck with all things relocation.
Looking forward to your blog updates of ride reports from lands afar – surely your new life still permits time enough to blog from ride to ride????
Thanks to all. I will be back riding next year and have a number of destinations I will be seeking out good roads so this is just a break.
Like other readers, I look forward to seeing some reports form Europe, Asia and NA. Perhaps you can give us some pointers for when some of us decide to head over that way.
Good Luck
Thank you I.C ,I've always read your blog to get tips on good roads.Good luck with the move.Ride safe
Great post, I love your blog
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Beautiful pics. Looks like an amazing trip! I would love to do something like this someday. Thanks for the post!