I slept in a bit and after hesitating decided to quickly get ready and try for a ride.
I had no real plan and just rode south. Almost immediately I had a woman in a Golf GTI merge into my lane despite sounding my horns (CB has two) from the second I noticed her moving over. So much for my thoughts that a sports exhaust might make people more aware of you.
I guess I was not in a happy place despite it being a lovely day. Sometimes I fall into the wishful if only thinking trap which serves to empower our limitations. I was starting to question if I should have just stayed home then I saw this smiley rock which made my day.

It made me do a U turn and ride back, get off the bike and take a breather and come back to ‘the now’ which is the one simple cure for wishful thinking blues. Hey this is a hell of a nice day, not cold not hot, the air is clear after the rain last night and roads are almost empty. Time to enjoy what the now is presenting to me.
Dropping down into the Tweed Valley I could feel a the mix of cool and warm air pockets that seem to present themselves in the days before Summer fully arrives. The smell of sugar cane processing was in the air and the Condong sugar mill was already operating with a full plume of steam from its chimney.
Past Murwillumbah to Uki and via Stokers Siding to Burringbah was very enjoyable.
Then I rode the hidden roads that criss cross the highway north to Farrants Hill. Some nice views of the valley on the left and the ocean on the right along the way and scarcely a car as is the way often when riding there.
I thought my photos were really off today so glad you liked them Anthony.
Such a wonderful area.
Thanks everyone.
Like the smiley rock. This certainly would have made my day. Glad you found your zen.
I am green with envy IC. She who must be obeyed had bright ideas that chewed my time this weekend so I didn't get more than a one hour ride. Back to the grind stone, really love your blog.
Old Nerd
Firstly I'd like to say how awesome the photos are in today's post……the road shots are fantastic, and the Condong Store photo made me smile as I grew up exactly a kilometer away from there.
I definitely recommend the Tumbulgum Pub, I haven't been there for a while but each time I have over the years the food has always been great.
Glad you enjoyed the ride.
Looks like a good day out. Nice roads and great pics.
Which cafe? House of Gabriel? Love that one so much more than the pub.