When Google launched, Blogger users were prompted to create an alias/separate user name much like when you join a online forum. I don’t think many of us at the time gave much thought to how well the user name (or blog name) might age.
The Japanese TV show was popular in Australia at that time and I thought Iron Chef would be a fun alias to write under and had a gravatar of one of the chefs from the TV series which further added a playful touch.
You can find numerous posts on the blog still showing written by Iron Chef or might see that name in post comments.
I continue fixing the blog after it’s transfer to WordPress but I have decided to preserve the name as author on the older posts since I was a totally different person back then to now.

I later met a real Iron Chef 坂井 宏行 Sakai Hiroyuki but only have a old scan from a Polaroid instant photo. I’ve used Gigapixel here to try upscale but it was a rather low resolution.