Day one riding Western Australia on this Triumph Tiger 900 GT Pro. #westernaustralia #triumphtiger900gtpro #motorcycletravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletrip #motorcycleride #motorcycletouring #triplecylinder #gowest #dontwaituntilitstoolate #twowheelsmovethesoul
I really must get back to Thailand. Such a nice riding destination and I miss eating Khao Soi very much. Lovely bike the CB650R but not enough leg room for me. #nongkhai #thailandtravel #mekongriver #niceview #riverview #cb650r #hondamotorcyclethailand #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletraveler #solotraveladventures #ridethailand #motorcycletourism #mototravelling
First day of my latest tour of New Zealand. Weather was perfect as was the Fush and Chups and a ‘Handle’ of hazy IPA at the Whangamata Club. At this rate I’ll be speaking the local lingo in no time. #whangamata #newzealand #fushandchups #hazyipa #motorcyclelife #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycletouring #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclenewzealand #acrosstheditch #newzealandtrip #getbusyliving #coromandelpeninsula
Near the border of Tibet the mountain views and riding are incredible. #yunnan #meilisnowmountain #deqen #mingyongglacier #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclephotography #motorcycleride #motorcyclechina #betterthanmountainscanbeonlymountains @ridechina
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. I’m continuing north on my solo China ride. #jadedragonsnowmountain #yunnan #lijiang #chinatravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycletrip #motorcycleride #solotravel #solorider #betterthanmountainscanbeonlymountains
Flashback to 2021. The many long road tunnels are a riders best friend in the stifling heat of summer in Japan. #tunnelsjapan #summerjapan #japansummer #fjr1300 #yamaha #motorcyclephotography #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclejapan
Glad I went to Myanmar when it was safe to ride. Wish I had seized the opportunity to ride Russia before that became impossible. Don’t wait to do stuff. #myanmar #myanmartrip #myanmarmotorcycletours #kakkupagodas #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycleride #dontwaitthetimewillneverbejustright #seizetheopportunity
Been fixing old ride reports. I’m back to 2017 and my Balkans ride. Wonderful ride I did before going to Delhi and riding the Indian Himalayas. Don’t wait, the time will never be better than now to go. #montenegro #kotor #balkan #adriaticcoast #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclephotography #solorider #motorcyclemoment #thetimewillneverbejustright #dontwaitfortomorrow
The amazing terraced vineyards of the Duoro valley. Portugal ride report now posted to the blog. Shout out to Cathay Pacific who I flew to Europe and were fantastic. #motorcyclephotography #motorcycletouring #motorcycleroads #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #portugal #portugalwine #duorovalley #bmwk1600gt #motorcycleparadiseblog #motoblogger #rainymotorcycleride #cathaypacific
Hey, would you please stop calling this winter already? It is lush green all over the place, and there is no snow on the ground.
Lovely picture, by the way.