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After 13 years at Blogger I decided to relocate.
Why? Well a few things combined to make now the time. I had many old posts with small thumbnails. Half of those had broken links and so much content long past it’s prime.
Google announced they will end support for the editor I used called Open Live Writer. I tried the built in editor but it is primitive. Then Google announced Google Plus will be also be shuttered. I thought given Google have a track record of depreciating platforms despite a strong user base just how secure is Blogger?
Amazon Web Services was recommended but you are now running your own server and getting it setup is lots of work. (I would advise choosing a wordpress hosting service instead)
The transfer is not simple like all the Blogger to WordPress sites say. Most every post imported has messed up formatting, thumbnails need to be added manually, embedded videos disappeared, internal blog links all broke. If the weather wasn’t 7 degrees and rain I would have said sod this and gone riding.
There was a point where I could have said nope and just reverted to using Blogger but once I realised what a mess my blogs old content was in and decided I had to fix it then it made sense to fix it on WordPress which in turn made me lock in the move and allocate a heap of time to doing it.
So far I have deleted about 100 rubbish posts and edited all the best road posts which were upon revisiting were incredibly out of date. I’m not going to import my local ride reports for now as many have broken images. Very revealing as I got into it what a mess my blog was in and I’m amazed anyone bothered to read it.
If you encounter something broken I’d appreciate a quick message. At the moment there is a mountain of internal links I have to fix or delete so your patience is appreciated.
New site looks amazing Warren. All the work is worth it.
Thanks Gary, I can present things in new ways going forward.
Warren, how do I access the latest articles?
Due to the design it’s not as straight forward as before.
In this blog section and the other categories the newest articles will show first.
I will do some research to see if there is a plugin I can add to take readers to a list of latest articles.