Day one riding Western Australia on this Triumph Tiger 900 GT Pro. #westernaustralia #triumphtiger900gtpro #motorcycletravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletrip #motorcycleride #motorcycletouring #triplecylinder #gowest #dontwaituntilitstoolate #twowheelsmovethesoul
I really must get back to Thailand. Such a nice riding destination and I miss eating Khao Soi very much. Lovely bike the CB650R but not enough leg room for me. #nongkhai #thailandtravel #mekongriver #niceview #riverview #cb650r #hondamotorcyclethailand #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletraveler #solotraveladventures #ridethailand #motorcycletourism #mototravelling
First day of my latest tour of New Zealand. Weather was perfect as was the Fush and Chups and a ‘Handle’ of hazy IPA at the Whangamata Club. At this rate I’ll be speaking the local lingo in no time. #whangamata #newzealand #fushandchups #hazyipa #motorcyclelife #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycletouring #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclenewzealand #acrosstheditch #newzealandtrip #getbusyliving #coromandelpeninsula
Near the border of Tibet the mountain views and riding are incredible. #yunnan #meilisnowmountain #deqen #mingyongglacier #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclephotography #motorcycleride #motorcyclechina #betterthanmountainscanbeonlymountains @ridechina
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. I’m continuing north on my solo China ride. #jadedragonsnowmountain #yunnan #lijiang #chinatravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycletrip #motorcycleride #solotravel #solorider #betterthanmountainscanbeonlymountains
Flashback to 2021. The many long road tunnels are a riders best friend in the stifling heat of summer in Japan. #tunnelsjapan #summerjapan #japansummer #fjr1300 #yamaha #motorcyclephotography #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclejapan
Glad I went to Myanmar when it was safe to ride. Wish I had seized the opportunity to ride Russia before that became impossible. Don’t wait to do stuff. #myanmar #myanmartrip #myanmarmotorcycletours #kakkupagodas #motorcycleadventure #motorcycletravel #motorcycletouring #motorcycleride #dontwaitthetimewillneverbejustright #seizetheopportunity
Been fixing old ride reports. I’m back to 2017 and my Balkans ride. Wonderful ride I did before going to Delhi and riding the Indian Himalayas. Don’t wait, the time will never be better than now to go. #montenegro #kotor #balkan #adriaticcoast #motorcycletouring #motorcycletravel #motorcycleadventure #motorcyclephotography #solorider #motorcyclemoment #thetimewillneverbejustright #dontwaitfortomorrow
The amazing terraced vineyards of the Duoro valley. Portugal ride report now posted to the blog. Shout out to Cathay Pacific who I flew to Europe and were fantastic. #motorcyclephotography #motorcycletouring #motorcycleroads #motorcycletravel #motorcycletrip #motorcycleadventure #portugal #portugalwine #duorovalley #bmwk1600gt #motorcycleparadiseblog #motoblogger #rainymotorcycleride #cathaypacific